Nov 1, 2011

Peeping through the neighbour's window...!!!

It was a bright Sunday afternoon and I was sitting alone in the corner of the dark room. My room has a window overlooking the balcony of the neighborhood apartments.  My flat is on the sixth floor of the nine storied building which gives a nice view of the surroundings.

So I was sitting alone in my room and thinking of nothing, like in a state of trance, since no one was at home so an eerie silence had crept in and engulfed the whole house.

Suddenly my eyes fell on the window, the window pans were shivering due to the gentle breeze. While I was admiring the weather outside, some sort of sound broke the silence and took my fancy.  It was the neighbor's kid came out to collect his ball in the balcony. but then it also diverted my attention to the neighborhood window. Wow a whole new world was waiting for me there, a clear food to kill the loneliness. O c'on ...Its ok to get naughty sometimes, isn't it??  It was as if I am the director and different frames of my films were being shot together.

Surprisingly a boy was actually proposing a girl in the living room. I don't know it was a real one or a rehearsal for some play. But for me it was surprising because if it was a real one then to be solemnized at home needed guts..!!

In another window a fight scene was going on clearly strengthening the woman power and the plight of husband at home.

One window showed some unwanted guests, ( or so may be ) the Cops.!! , entering the house. Could be some invited guests but can't say as Diwali festival was just knocking on the door.

Well, I also saw some lost souls like me engrossed in their own world.

It was so much captivating but unfortunately, wrong timing, bad luck, etc. etc. what ever I should say, i cannot witness the obvious for which always it has been amusing, peeping through the neighbor's window !!

Hey would like to invite views, what do you see while peeping through the neighbor's  window..??


  1. no such memorable experience but now for sure will definitely peep frequently...

  2. Awesome...I love this piece.It happens with me too but never realized the way we did.Please continue with such brilliant thoughts and observations....:)

  3. good one,,i don't even remember where i left my peeping specss

  4. no windows here to peep. Well have fun but be careful. Someone else might be doing the same to your windows.

  5. Never mind buddy...doors are always there...!!
